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EtherCAT and Open PC Edge Solutions for Industry
(ft. Acontis & Erreuno & Motion Ai)

May 2022

As the Industrial Internet of Things becomes ever more pervasive, advances in edge computing are reshaping the automation industries, providing new and better ways to address the challenges they present. Robust, powerful and cost-effective edge computing, coupled to virtualization, machine learning and cloud computing offer exciting possibilities for the future. Critical to many applications is the availability of a low-latency, deterministic, open and widely adopted real-time I/O subsystem. Most legacy fieldbus systems fail to meet these requirements, either due to their speed, or their proprietary, or semi-proprietary nature.

EtherCAT is extremely fast, completely open and widely supported and is therefore increasingly being adopted by both hardware vendors and end users. It provides both a real-time I/O solution for soft PLCs and, via the use of commercially available protocol stacks and simple API interfaces, can also be used with real time operating systems in applications that cannot be addressed by PLCs.

In this latest Innotalks session, we bring together domain experts from Advantech, Acontis, Erreuno and MotionAI. We'll be discussing how EtherCAT works, why it is an ideal solution for today’s real time I/O challenges, how it fits with other technologies such as edge computing, virtualization and TSN. We'll also present some case studies as examples of how it is already being used to solve todays real world automation challenges.

Welcome to InnoTalks. EtherCAT has emerged as an important technology addressing the real-time demands of automation systems. It's field-proven, widely adopted, very fast, and cost-competitive against alternative field power solutions. At the same time, we're seeing the increasing adoption of PC-based edge computing in industrial automation and the emergence of deterministic ethernet capabilities using TSN. 

Today, I'm joined by 2 of Advantech's domain experts to discuss how EtherCAT dovetails into these other emerging technologies, and we'll also be hearing from some of our partners about how they use EtherCAT to give them a competitive edge. From our North American organization, I'm joined by Joseph Yang, who's the Director of Product Management in the US. And from Europe, I'm also joined by Daniel Sun, who's the Product Sales Manager covering a portfolio of products, which include our EtherCAT solutions. Gentlemen, welcome. 

Problem that EtherCAT addresses

[Host] - EtherCAT has been around for quite a while now, so I guess it's pretty well known and understood. But just in case it's new to some of our audience, could we quickly define the problem that EtherCAT addresses, especially in the context of the new technologies that are emerging in automation. 

[Daniel Sun, Advantech]- Yeah. Fieldbus technology is vital for automation. And we've moved from the era of PLCs working. Now PC control is booming. High-performance PC controllers technology offers a very powerful CPU, large storage capabilities, and flexibilities on the network connectivity. And this is the reshaping automation. But there are still problems to be addressed. The bottleneck legacy Fieldbus systems are low bandwidth or very high jitter time. And these are limiting the overall performance of the PC control systems. 

Also, legacy Fieldbus is not fully open. Mainly rely on proprietary standards, and so users are looking to a particular vendor solutions. 

[Joseph Yang, Advantech]- Yeah. So I would think about two major factors here. So first one is about deterministic. So in motion control applications, real-time performance is always a critical indicator, and users select the solution. Within different industry internet protocol, so I believe EtherCAT delivers the most deterministic performance so far. So this gets a lot of attention from automation market and give users more options when they plan for motion control application. 

The second one will be open technology. So usually, users do not anticipate a single vendor solution. So that limits options and delay the expandability when they need it. EtherCAT is adopted by many different companies and hardware vendors. Although this is not good for hardware vendor like us but that is a huge benefit for users since they have lots of options. They do not have to worry about they will become victims if original vendors do not support them well. So that can easily switch to any others that's really a good benefit for users. 

What has held back adoption?

[Host]- So, what's holding back adoption today? 

[Daniel Sun, Advantech] - Well, it's the eternal dilemma for the automation system operators. Considering the AI, and the owners of the legacy systems prefers to upgrade a system gradually. And completely changing legacy Fieldbus would need huge investment, hardware, and engineering tools. It's now easy for users to escape from a vendor-looking situation. 

[Joseph Yang, Advantech] - Yeah. And I will think about two possible reasons here. So first one, new technologies always need more time to prove that it is solid and robust. Users need to get confidence before they look at that. The second reason would be in the United States, we know there's a very strong and joint industry solution provider who has dominated the market for a long time. I would imagine how difficult and resistant to change the user's mind. I'll think about a lot of education and marketing [INAUDIBLE] shifts that would be needed here. So if we can have more use cases here, I think this is definitely will be a good great booster to bring more customers in the United States. 

EtherCAT high level technical overview

[Host] - OK, so EtherCAT's potentially a big part of the solution here because it's well-proven and mature. But as we'll come on to discuss, it also integrates nicely into the open platform approach which PC-based controllers are built on. Again, just for those in our audience who are still unfamiliar with EtherCAT, we thought it would be useful to have a quick overview of it from a technical perspective to understand how it fits into an architecture and provides real-time performance. Anis Aurora leads our IoT technical support teams in Europe, and we asked him to tell us more about the underlying technology from a technical perspective. 

[Anis Aroua, Advantech] - Thank you for the question. Let's talk about EtherCAT. EtherCAT is an internet-based vending system invented originally by Beckhoff automation. Currently, many manufacturers use it as a standard communication protocol in their devices. It is a high-performance Fieldbus, and it has the shortest cycle time. We talk about 276 microsecond. That's why it is a perfect for real-time machines control. 

EtherCAT has a master-slave configuration. The EtherCAT doesn't work with the send receive request like other internet network. The master sends the data. It's a single frame for the entire network that will pass through each node. Each EtherCAT device processes only the frames data that is relevant to it and adds data to the frame. In the last node, an open port is detected so the slave would automatically return the frame. 

EtherCAT implements a method called distributed clock system, while other protocols, the response time of each slave is the same. The common and the most common network topology is daisy chain because all EtherCAT devices usually have an input and output port. However, in most cases, EtherCAT supports other network technologies like three, line, ring, and so on. 

From the characteristic point of view, the data rate is about 10 megabits per second, and the number of slaves is up to 65,535 slaves. The maximum distance is about 100 meter. In Advantech, we propose different solutions based on EtherCAT protocol. There are many different master-slave configuration. Customers can easily integrate them. We offer a large scale of flexibility in both hardware and software level. 

I hope my introduction gave an overview about the importance of EtherCAT protocol in future automation system. As Advantech technical team, we are always available to advise, help, and support. Thank you very much. 

Overview of EtherCAT from Advantech perspective

[Host] - Thanks, Anis. OK, so what's Advantech's perspective on this? 

[Daniel Sun, Advantech] - Well, Advantech was born from PC control technology. And we are one of the pioneers supplying PC-based controllers to the market, and we embrace EtherCAT from its very beginning. As we see the potential for the combination of performance and openness it offers, we be able to supplement our range of the high-performance and high-reliability PC-based automation controller with our FPGA-based EtherCAT Mastercard EtherCAT IO system and EtherCAT junction modules. We are positioning as a completely open EtherCAT solution vendor, which allow us to cooperate with specialist solution suppliers who then leverage our enabling technology. 

[Joseph Yang, Advantech] - Advantech the Advantech provides solid and comprehensive portfolio hardware, especially IPC. So we have gained strong trust from customers. We heard from our customers that they would like to leverage our hardware to accomplish control application solutions. So, to find partners and work together and offer a robust solution is in our priority. Furthermore, workload consultation is always a huge benefit that industrial PC can well-suited here. Of course, a matured control soft logic is needed here too. 

User perspective - EtherCAT within Soft PLCs

[Host] - Yeah, and I think there are two ways we do this. One's with focused channel partners who specialize in soft PLC based solutions that sit on a hardware and that kind of allows rapid development and deployment of general-purpose applications, and the others through eco partners who provide an EtherCAT stack with open APIs for users to leverage in more specialized or niche applications. We asked a couple of these partners how they leverage the possibilities of EtherCAT. First, let's hear from Roberto Riccardi at Erreuno. 

[Roberto Riccardi, Erreuno] - EtherCAT, as you probably know, is a Fieldbus widely used in automation handling. The main feature of EtherCAT are easy to use. And implementation program software, for example, to use EtherCAT very fast of different nature and even brand within GPU use with CODESYS program software. Simply import the relative XML file to automatically have driver and configuration parameters. 

Speed-- EtherCAT is real-time feedback with deterministic response times much slower than other new feedbacks, such as PROFINET. This makes it suitable to be applied to many applications. 

I would also like to emphasize the importance of CODESYS software. CODESYS is a very flexible development environment, as the user can use five different languages based on the IEC 61131-3 standard and provides a real-time compiler suitable for controllers with different projection and operating systems. This makes it scalable and flexible. 

You see this combination of flexible and standardized soft PLCs running on ragged-edge hardware together with the extremely fast and deterministic nature of EtherCAT that's shall follow as they're rapidly developed and deployed, a real-time solution for our customers. 

[Host] - And we're hearing a similar story from our North American partners. Here's Dave Locke from Motion AI. 

[David Locke, Motion Ai] - Hello. This is David Locke, Division Vice President with Motion Automation Intelligence or Motion AI. So what do I see is the differentiated value of a CODESYS solution with Advantech products versus legacy alternatives? Well, first, you have a proven robust soft PLC running on open hardware versus a hardware PLC. 

Secondly, you enjoy the cost savings of a software motion controller for general-motion CNC and robotics, versus separate hardware motion controllers. Thirdly, you have soft visualization with locally connected monitors and touch screens, versus programmable hardware HMIs with different development environments. 

Also, you enjoy rich device data availability because you're using a PC to drive local and remote AI-informed decisions, including predictive maintenance. You have broad connectivity between machine controllers to the edge and to the cloud. And all this can be accomplished in a single development environment via CODESYS running on robust Advantech hardware. 

Using EtherCAT outside of a soft PLC environment

[Host] - The second way our partners leverage EtherCAT is by providing a protocol stack that can be integrated into applications which can't be addressed using soft PLCs. We asked Stefan Zintgraf from Acontis to tell us more. 

[Stefan Zintgraf, Acontis] - Thank you for having me in this InnoTalks. Many EtherCAT applications are based on PLCs and use PLC programming paradigms. But there are also markets and applications where PLCs do not fit or are not common-- for example, semiconductor tool vendors, robots, or real-time measurement applications and, of course, PLC controller vendors themselves. 

These applications use C or C++ programming language and run on real-time operating systems which are significantly more powerful than a PLC runtime environment. But unlike PLCs, real-time operating systems do not offer EtherCAT support. Instead, a dedicated and high-performance EtherCAT master stack to communicate with the devices is needed. 

All EtherCAT features need to work well. And the stack must be compatible to all devices on the market. And the stack needs to support the operating system used by the customer. The Acontis master fits to all these requirements. It provides a well-defined, proven, and stable C/C++ API with a great amount of sophisticated capabilities. 

The software is available for more than 20 operating systems. Acontis' own trials optimized for EtherCAT assure highest performance and are provided for over 20 different Ethernet controller families. The master stake is completed by the Acontis EC Engineered Configuration tool. Acontis also provides complimentary EtherCAT products. 

So our network diagnosis-- the EC Inspector tool can tap the traffic and show what's going on in the system. The EC Monitor software library helps create monitoring tools or cloud interfaces for predictive maintenance. The EC Simulator simulates paths or the whole network in real time. This can help to increase product quality or to create digital twins. 

Customers can rely on Acontis as a provider for all software components needed to build sophisticated C/C++-based EtherCAT applications. Thank you. 

The integration of EtherCAT and open technologies

[Host] - Daniel and Joseph, EtherCAT sounds very interesting then from the perspective of allowing very tight control loops and other real-time interactions to be integrated into open platform controllers without the need for any proprietary solutions. This concept sounds like it would really have power when we combine it with the other open technologies in the edge computers. Is that right? 

[Daniel Sun, Advantech] - Yes, absolutely. We are seeing the trend of the OT and IT integration for real-time automation applications. Many users are starting to re-investigate the use of the virtualization and the hypervisors, either age, especially for the high performance. So we can now offer in this space, applications can be implemented with software PLCs and include advanced applications based on the EtherCAT master stack. 

They can manage the real-time tasks very well. But critically, the PC controller can also handle non-real-time applications, like HMI or cloud communications, at the same time without compromising the system real-time performance. 

[Joseph Yang, Advantech] - To echo what Daniel just said, that's exactly right. So workload consultation is always appreciated by users, as long as the quality and the compatibility has been verified. The CPU nowadays could be way more powerful than before. And virtualization has been improved in quite some time, as well. So it is the best moment to integrate and provide the benefits to users now. 

Differences between EtherCAT and TSN

[Host] - It's interesting you talk about the emerging trends in industrial PCs, such as virtualization. 

Another thing we're hearing a lot about around I-IoT is the emergence of TSN And looking from a very high level down, both TSN and EtherCAT seem to be telling the same story, fast, deterministic, low-latency, reliable comms. So what's the difference? And why should users be selecting EtherCAT now, rather than waiting a couple of years for TSN to mature? 

[Daniel Sun, Advantech] - Well, EtherCAT is still the best at performance and the real-time field bus. We see lots of discussions, like legacy field bus plus TSN can catch up the performance of the EtherCAT. But there is a long way to development of TSN out of OT field bus. 

At the moment, we just see OPC pops up. Plus, TSN will become first available protocol. But this is not a real-time OT field bus. 

[Host] - Yeah. And presumably because of the single-frame transmission mechanism Anis was telling us about at the start of this session, EtherCAT's always going to offer lower latency then we'll get from TSN, right? 

[Daniel Sun, Advantech] - Yeah. Correct. 

Advantech EtherCAT solutions

[Host] - So what are we actually doing in this space right now? 

[Daniel Sun, Advantech] - Well, Advantech has its own strong control PC and IO portfolios for open EtherCAT solutions. So we are putting efforts to collaborate and pre-validate with our software partners like Acontis and CODESYS, especially for the openness and the no-wonder locking position. Our solution is used in OEMs, like AGVs, automation, and also the robotic solutions, even the medical equipment. 

[Joseph Yang, Advantech] - Yeah. I would like to address how we go to market in the United States here. So focused channel partners will be one approach. Of course, collaboration is so important in the IT world now. 

Most of the users, when they look for solutions, they want a one-stop shop so they get everything done-- but not only highway controllers, but also motors, activators, sensors, IOs, and some peripherals, even. So our focused channel partners, they can provide professional services, since they have been in the industry for a long time. With such good and experienced partners, we have confidence we can support our customers very well. 

The second approach will be on the other side, we wanted to partner with soft logic solution providers in local-- so not only for marketing initiatives, but also educating potential customers, providing comprehensive product information, and the most critical thing is we can get the timely local support here, as well. 

Successful EtherCAT implementation cases

[Host] - Yeah. And we're already seeing partners having success with real-world implementations. Here's Roberto from ErreUno again. 

[Roberto Riccardi, Erreuno] - With regard to applications with CODESYS and EtherCAT real-time systems, I would like to underline that in addition to the classroom project in the automations of AUTOMATION- SOFTMOTION- ROBOTICS-CNC fields, the system is also suitable for other less-known but interesting areas and applications. 

For example, our latest project is a test bench for naval components and fittings. The test bench consists of certifying and validating the final test of components, for example, that are to be placed on passenger ships. The test involves igniting the chair and measuring the environmental parameters of temperature, pressure, humidity, oxygen levels, fumes. 

The fast acquisition in EtherCAT and thanks to the two-megabyte buffer of the CPU inside the wise 5580 with CODESYS, following the real-time acquisition of parameters if such sequences are processing towards a connection from CODESYS to a SQL database. The data is stored in the server for the creation of the test report and relative communication. 

Another interesting use case is the use of the WISE-5580 with the CODESYS software as the data concentrators in a hydrogen power plant. This is the case of the first ceramics factory completely powered with hydrogen in the world. CODESYS Advantech platform was chosen for the flexibility of the connection and for the ability to store in buffering on the Nvram memory, real-time data which will then be processed by a central server. 

The connection to the sensor and machinery is made via various feedbacks while the data process via the WISE-5580 is sent with OPC UA and MQTT technology to the storage server. Thanks. 

EtherCAT Applications in the Future

[Host] - So gentlemen, where do we see this taking us in the future? 

[Danel Sun, Advantech] - Again, in Europe, the market share of the EtherCAT will keep growing, not only for the motion applications but also for industrial IoT applications, especially when you consider our ability to mix the EtherCAT with other interface technologies to guarantee real-time performance while using virtualization. It also enjoys less time-critical aspects. 

As an open circuit technology vendor, we are helping our customers immigrate this far-distant industry Ethernet not only as a hardware wonder with our high-performance PC controller and the IO. But we are also working with our software partners, like Acontis and CODESYS, to support our customer by bringing solutions optimized for specific applications to the market. 

[Joseph Yang, Advantech] - As I said before, so a local giant industry player has more than 95% of market share here. So it looks really promising to grow EtherCAT solutions as partners together since we're still little now. And this change is not just about we sell more. But users can get the flexibility when embracing EtherCAT solutions. 

[David Locke, Motion Ai] - Today, there is expanding standardization in controller-to-controller communications via initiatives like OPC, Unified Architecture, and to upper-level systems via embedded SQL connectivity, standardization in controller communications to devices and sensors via field bus with EtherCAT leading the pack. 

The EtherCAT field bus enjoys a robust following by customers and suppliers alike for its high performance, broad interconnectivity, and open standard. And there's the dawning of a new age of smart sensors and devices with rich communication via protocols like IO-Link. 

As for what I see in the future vision for automation control, I'll name four areas to watch. Number one, look for further standardization and platform independence. Number two, look for Ethernet connectivity in many more devices, many with web servers built-in for configuration, troubleshooting, and access to process data. 

Number three, look for the continued broad adoption of industrial Ethernet and the Industrial Internet of Things-connected devices to collect, transport, and process data and, finally, number four, Industry 4.0 computerization of manufacturing through the principles of interconnection, information transparency, technical assistance, and decentralized decisions. 

[Host] - Well, that's the end of today's session. I hope that you found our discussion interesting and that it's given you some things to think about when you're designing your next control architecture. 

I'd like to thank Joseph, Daniel, and our partners, Stefan Zintgraf from Acontis, Roberto Riccardi from ErreUno, and David Locke from Motion AI for their contributions. If you'd like to discuss an application requirement with us in more detail, please get in touch using one of the methods shown on the screen. 

Thanks for your time and attention. And we hope to see you again on the next InnoTalks episode. 


Tim Taberner

Technical Sales Director, Advantech Europe

David Locke

Vice President,

Motion Automation Intelligence

Stefan Zintgraf

General Manager,

Acontis Technologies

Roberto Riccardi


Erreuno S.R.L.

Anis Aroua

Head of Technical Services,

Advantech Europe

Daniel Sun

Product Sales Manager,

Advantech Europe

Joseph Yang

Director of Product Management,

Advantech North America

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